Events and News for Claude Buckle paintings
This page shows some of the paintings associated with major events which have been going since the 1800's and are still held every year. Claude Buckle travelled every year to France and Spain and based many of his pictures from scenes in these countries. We show for example the Pamplona "running of the bulls" oil painting done in the late 1950's. The classic picture "Racing off Ryde" was done to publicise Cowes Week and the Ile of White British rail ferry which operated between Portsmouth and Ryde in the 1960s.
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Oil painting by Claude Buckle showing the event in Pamplona 'running of the bulls'. The picture shows the entrance of the bull ring at the end of the run... more...

The running of the Bulls Pamplona

Water colour painting by Claude Buckle showing the boating event at Henley. Henley Royal Regatta is the pre-eminent, river-based international rowing regatta. It has an unparalleled tradition and place in the hearts of top rowers and is held annually in the first week of July.

Henly Royal Regatta in action
[8-15 AUG]

Ryde, Isle of Wight an oil painting entitled "Racing off Ryde". Cowes Week has played a key part in the British sporting summer calendar since 1826 and is one of the UK's longest running and most successful sporting events. Today it is the largest sailing regatta of its kind in the world.

Cowes Week, Racing off Ryde

2015 marks 800 years since the Magna Carta was agreed between King John and his barons. Durham Cathedral, often cited as the greatest Norman building in Europe, holds three editions of Magna Carta dated 1216, 1225 and 1300. Durham's 1216 issue is the only copy of that edition still in existence.

Durham Cathedral, home of Magna Carter